Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Dentist

I've decided that this is the profession that I need to get into. They make BANK off me and the freaking kids. Kiara has this lovely tooth in the roof of her mouth, a vampire tooth, yeah not the correct term, whatever. Well when we first found it about a year ago the dentist said that he needed it pulled, duh, extra tooth in a weird spot so yeah, BUT they wanted to put her to sleep, do this in a surgical place, not the dentist office, and that was gonna run oh 850$ or so. OUCH, that was OUR part after the insuance. Well now that the tooth is fully grown in, the dentist can pull it himself, still about $300, but nothing compared to before.

Then there's Josh, he had a tooth pulled today, poor baby, it was a molar and had a crown on it, was loose, so they just helped him out. BUT Josh in first grade, age 7 is already seeing an orthododist. Yes his little mouth is all jacked up. Donations are accepted, Kidding. But he's already getting a consultation for the years to come and see what they can now do in the near future to help him out. How mom did this with 5 freaking kids I have no clue. But can I just say that the militarys dental plan SUCKS! No its not free, yes we pay monthly, meet premiums, and most other plans are better than ours.

Now the topping on the cake. Andrew. He's got yeah four cavities. Yes we do brush his teeth, but they want to put him to sleep to do all four at once, less traumatic for him, yada yada, $1600 later, Im sure they would love that! HELLO, single income family, 3 kids, yeah sure let me just grab that cash and pay right off. I think he's going to have to tough it up really, and go in get some happy gas, and get one side done at a time. Lordly lord, $$$$ runs the world, I hate it. Why can't I trade a bag of potatoes or a hand sewn pillow case for a filling? Gooo!